Will Ferrell Talks Semi-Pro

Posted on February 12, 2008

Will Ferrell is in character as owner/player/coach Jackie Moon from his new film Semi-Pro about the ABA basketball league (yes, it really existed). Will and Heidi Klum hit the court as part of a Sports Illustrated photo shoot.

In the SI interview, Will talks about the characters's famous shooting style (granny) and those scary short shorts that all the basketball players used to wear.

SI.com: You conveniently find a way to show off your stellar physique in all your movies. You showed some restraint in Semi-Pro, although we do get a closer-than-comfortable look under your short shorts while you are on the free-throw line. What was the goal of the groin cam and do you think the NBA will implement a similar camera angle now?

Ferrell: They will if they're smart. I knew going in I wanted to have the nice tight shorts because it was first, historically accurate and second, just stupid looking. That close-up shot came about to focus on Jackie Moon's form in the classic, granny style free throw. It was all about capturing that moment.

SI.com: What did you think when the Lakers played in the short shorts for the first half of their game against the Celtics a few weeks back?

Ferrell: I heard about it. I didn't see it, I heard they were extremely self conscious and that the audience half cheered and half laughed and didn't know how to react to it. So I don't think they'll be going back to the short shorts anytime soon.

Semi-Pro opens in wide release on February 29, 2008.

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