What Thor Was Doing While Captain America and Tony Stark Were Feuding

Posted on August 29, 2016

Ever wonder what the Norse God Thor was up to while Tony Stark/Iron Man and Steve Rogers/Captain America were feuding during the film Captain America: Civil War? Well, wonder no longer. Marvel has released a hilarious video that shows us what Thor has been up to while the other Avengers were hashing out their differences.

Thor (Chris Hemsworth) explains he's just been taking a break and taking some much needed Me Time. He moved into an apartment with his new buddy Darryl Johnson, an "average every day guy." Thor says he's all about giving back to the community. He spoke to local schoolchildren, who seemed to know more about the purple man that can possibly be good for them.

We see Thor having a coffee with Dr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) while discussing Banner's complete puzzlement as to why he goes into battles wearing full length pants, but always comes out with capris on. Thor wants to know if Banner has heard from Tony Stark or Steve Rogers. Banner says no, but then Stark calls. Stark says he would have called Thor to help, but he doesn't know how to get in touch with him. Thor nodded and explained, "I don't have a cell send a raven."

Thor's tour of his new digs is just amazing: he show us the little wooden cradle where his hammer Mjlornir takes his afternoon nap. He also has a "Keep Out, Daryl" sign written in Norse runes. But the star of his room is his murder board, in which he tries to solve the mystery of the Infinity Stones, the man who wears a jeweled glove and who does not like to stand up. The clues on the board are just so funny. Chris Hemsworth is so great at comedy. He is amazingly versatile as an actor. We hope we get more home movies from Marvel. We are totally Team Thor all the way. Take a look:

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