Star Trek: Page: 2
This is page 2 of the Star Trek posts on Watchers Watch.Geordi-like Visor Makes Dentist Trips Less Disturbing: Dvice is blogging about these interesting visors that are supposed to make the trip to the dentist less disturbing. (2008-01-10)
Ben Cross is Sarek in Star Trek: British actor Ben Cross has been cast as Sarek, Spock's father, in the upcoming Star Trek movie. (2007-11-19)
Just Our Luck: Chris Pine is Kirk and Eric Bana is the Villain: MTV reports that Eric Bana has joined the cast of the new Star Trek film as the villain, named Nero. (2007-10-10)
Robert Orci Talks Star Trek: Robert Orci talks to Trekmovie. (2007-10-09)
Will Tom Cruise Join the Star Trek Cast?: Here's an interesting and somewhat disturbing rumor: Tom Cruise may do a cameo as Captain Christopher Pike in the upcoming J. (2007-08-08)