Science Fiction: Page 11
This is page 11 of the science fiction film/tv coverage from Watchers WatchBattlestar Galactica Cast to Visit David Letterman (2008-03-13): Ten stars of Battlestar Galactica will descend upon the David Letterman show to present a Top Ten List on March 19th.
Terminator Season Finale is Tonight (2008-03-03): Tonight is the two hour season finale of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles on Fox.
Is Aladygma the Name of the Cloverfield Sequel? (2008-02-19): There is some buzz in the blogosphere that Aladygma could be the name of a sequel to the Cloverfield film.
Star Wars Universe Returns to Film, TV (2008-02-19): The picture above shows Anakin Skywalker and his new padawan learner Ahoska from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Terminator Returns Tonight With the Queen's Gambit (2008-02-11): Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles returns to television tonight at 9:00 p.
Jumper Director Meets the MIT Physicists (2008-02-09): Filmmaker Douglas Liman was a physics prodigy who landed a scholarship to Brown University.
20 Things You Didn't Know About Science Fiction (2008-01-31): Discover Magazine lists 20 Things You Didn't Know About Science Fiction.
The Cloverfield Star You Don't Really See (2008-01-23): We loved Cloverfied: it was scary, exciting and totally compelling.
Birmingham Planning Fantasy Science Fiction Convention Called OmegaCon (2008-01-16): The Birmingham News reports that Birmingham, Alabama will be home to a fantasy and science fiction convention called OmegaCon.
J.J. Abrams and the Mystery Box (2008-01-15): J.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles Premiere: All Action, All the Time (2008-01-14): We were a bit worried about the television adaptation of the Terminator movies; nevertheless we tuned in for part 1 of The Sarah Connor Chronicles last night.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles Starts Tonight (2008-01-13): The Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles debuts on Fox tonight and tomorrow night in a two part premiere.
Life After People Shows Earth With Population Zero (2008-01-09): If mankind were to disappear tomorrow, what would happen to the rest of the Earth? Would animals take over? Would plants? That's the premise of a very interesting new two hour special called Life After People that will premiere on the History Channel on January 21,2008 at 9:00 p.
2008 Philip K. Dick Award Finalists (2008-01-08): The finalists for the 2008 Philip K.
The 4400 and The Dead Zone Canceled (2007-12-20): Veteran SF shows The 4400 and The Dead Zone have been abruptly canceled by USA Networks.
I Am Legend Breaks Box Office Records (2007-12-17): Will Smith stole the box office this past weekend: his SF film I Am Legend made a whopping $76.
End of the Journey for Journeyman? (2007-11-30): The time travel series Journeyman may be coming to an end soon.
Good News for Chuck Fans (2007-11-26): One of our favorite new shows, Chuck, just got a full-season pickup.
Ben Cross is Sarek in Star Trek (2007-11-19): British actor Ben Cross has been cast as Sarek, Spock's father, in the upcoming Star Trek movie.
Joss and Eliza: Together Again (2007-11-01): Joss Whedon has signed with Fox once again to do a sf television series.
Mad Max Rides Again (2007-10-27): Moviehole reports the film Mad Max 4: Fury Road is back on track.
The Great Jawa Village Conspiracy Theory (2007-10-25): The Great Jawa Village Conspiracy Theory is gaining steam.
The New Trailer for Jumper Is Here (2007-10-11): Here's the trailer for Jumper, which looks very interesting.
Just Our Luck: Chris Pine is Kirk and Eric Bana is the Villain (2007-10-10): MTV reports that Eric Bana has joined the cast of the new Star Trek film as the villain, named Nero.
Robert Orci Talks Star Trek (2007-10-09): Robert Orci talks to Trekmovie.