Robert Orci Talks Star Trek

Posted on October 9, 2007

Robert Orci talks to about the new Star Trek film and lets a few interesting tidbits drop. J.J. [Abrams] has said the film is Spock-centric, but does the young Kirk have as big a role as Quintos Spock?

Roberto Orci: Totally! It is Lennon and McCartney. However Spock's role is key in that we also have Nimoy. Having said that Kirk is Star Trek and he is as essential. What about Bones? The Kirk/Spock/McCoy troika is also quintessential Trek, with McCoy being the counterpoint to Spock and Kirk in the middle.

Roberto Orci: That is a big part of what we are doing. You are correct that their interaction and how they face the impossible is what Trek is about and that is no different in our movie.

***** Speaking of captains I have one more casting question which is burning in the minds of many Trekkies�what about Shatner?

Roberto Orci: What J.J. said at Comic-Con [story] is still true. We are actively perusing looking for a way to make a part that is worthy of him and that is not pandering to either his role in Star Trek or to the fans. You guys have resisting labels for this film such as remake, reboot, etc. even prequel. Prequel has a pretty basic definition so what is wrong with calling it that?

Roberto Orci: But yet it is not entirely accurate. In some senses it is a prequel, but the word I would use, which is how Damon [Lindelof] describes it, is a re-invigoration or re-vitalization.

So far, so good. Although we're still worried about the casting of the younger crew members, such as Kirk and Bones. We like Zachary Quinto as young Spock -- we think he'll do a great job. This was the second in a two-part interview. The first part of the interview is well worth a read. In it, Orci talks about his lifelong love of Star Trek, his favorite series and episodes and how he is approaching the project.

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