Paris Hilton Testifies in Sorority Movie Lawsuit

Posted on July 11, 2009

Paris Hilton testified in a federal court Friday to deny allegations in a civil suit that she failed to promote the sorority comedy Pledge This and that was why it bombed at the box office. Paris took the stand and said she did promote the film for two years before was released and at the premiere. She is being sued by the desperate receivers of a bankrupt entertainment company.

USA Today reports that Paris Hilton waved at Chief U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno before testifying. The judge reported reacted with surprise and said, "I've never had a witness wave at me before."

Oh for Pete's sake. The reason the movie bombed is because it was a terrible movie. No promotion in the world could have saved it. Besides, Paris always talks about her movies -- we remember her talking up this one before it premiered. After it was released, there wasn't much anyone could do to save it.

You can peep the trailer for yourself on IMDB.

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