Pondering the Lost Season 2 Finale

Posted on May 28, 2006

We woke up this morning and suddenly realized that there will be no new episode of Lost this Wednesday and we are absolutely devastated over that fact. We can't stop thinking about the finale last week... and our thinking is spoiler-laden, so be warned...

The Four Toed Colossus: So, first off, what's the deal with the giant "Colossus of Rhodes" type statue of a giant man with only four toes? Some Internet research reveals the fact that the human pinky toe is a vestigal appendage that is slowly disappearing over time as we advance on the evolutionary scale. So does that mean the island is or was home to some advance species of human? Is the Island out of synch time-wise with the rest of the world? And what happend to the rest of the statue, anyway?

Michael and Walt: Are the Others really going to let Michael and Walt escape? It seems so unlikely. Although Henry Gale did say they "got more than they bargained for with Walt," or words to that effect. Some people think Michael is going to turn around and help Jack, Sawyer and Kate escape, but we're not buying it. It's off into the sunset time for those two. Although, how do we know Walt is even on that rinky-dink boat? Maybe he's just astral projecting? (Too Charmed-like?)

The Button: Best line of the show went to Locke, hands down. After the disastrous consequences of not pushing the button begin to manifest themselves rather violently, Locke comments (in the understatement of the year) "I was wrong." And speaking of the button and the Hatch, that scene where hundreds (if not thousands) of pneumatic tube canisters lay in a pile was amazing. Imagine those Hansa lab rats at the Station Pearl "Observation Post" dutifully sending off their detailed reports about what was happening in the Swan Hatch, never realizing that they were actually the subject of the psychological experiment.

The Saga of Desmond: The return of Desmond was especially well-done, we thought. What a tragic backstory that guy has! His lost love! The letter he didn't read! And then, his lost love, Penny Widmore telling him that "with enough money, you can find anyone"! And, it turns out that Penny's dad sponsored the race Desmond entered, and that Penny has set up an Artic monitoring station to find the Hanso Foundation's Island.

The Closing Scene: In the closing scene, that really, really looked like Matthew Fox playing one of the guys in the Artic research station tracking the electromagnetic pulse from the Island. Is he the "Bad Twin"? Is he in a parallel universe? Did Jack's dad have yet another child he didn't bother to tell anyone about?

There was so much information packed into the finale, we'll have to see it again to make sure we didn't miss anything. We can't wait until Season 3.

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