Jade Goody Gives Her Final Interview

Posted on March 11, 2009

Jade Goody has given her final interview with the British OK magazine. Jade Goody is the outspoken British reality tv star who the country loved to hate until she got a diagnosis of terminal cervical cancer.

Jade is the mother of two children. She has been allowing a camera crew to film her final illness and her recent wedding in order to make money for her two boys. In the OK interview, Jade says she wants to be remembered as the "girl who put up a fight and would never let herself get beaten down."

Jade Goody said, "I also want to be recalled as the girl who put up a fight and would never let herself get beaten down. I was given a death sentence, but I didn't let it kill me."

"I fought it, got married, got christened, I'm happy. I could bitch about dying young, but at the end of the day, I can look back on my life and be proud of what I have done."

"I've achieved more in 27 years than some achieve in their lifetime."

Marieclaire.co.uk reports that Jade Goody plans to leave the hospital to spend her final days at home with her two sons but she will only be able to do so if nurses are going to be able to manage her pain.

Update: Jade Goody was able to leave the hospital and return home.

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