Trailer for Immortals Starring Henry Cavill, Freida Pinto and Mickey Rourke

Posted on April 27, 2011

Here is the first trailer for the movie Immortals which stars Henry Cavill as Theseus and Freida Pinto as the Oracle who helps him.

The film is based on Greek mythology and tells the story of Theseus, who leads humanity against the power-mad King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke), who wishes to conquer the known world. The film is directed by Tarsem Singh (The Cell, The Fall, and is produced by Gianni Nunnari (300), Mark Canton (300)and Ryan Kavanaugh (The Fighter).

The special effects heavy film hits theaters on November 11, 2011. Henry Cavill has been cast to pay Superman in the upcoming reboot of the franchise. Take a look:

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