Geordi-like Visor Makes Dentist Trips Less Disturbing

Posted on January 10, 2008

Dvice is blogging about these interesting visors that are supposed to make the trip to the dentist less disturbing. The visors block out nearly all vision and they are connected to a DVD player that gives the wearer the impression they are viewing a 60-inch screen.

They also look very much like Geordi La Forge's visor on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Staring at cute posters of cats and fish on the ceiling of a dentist office is so 1990s. The future is here, and it surprisingly looks like a technology from a 1990s television series. The relaxView B.V. is a display device that looks similar to Geordi La Forge's visor on Star Trek: The Next Generation. The device sits on the bridge of your nose covering almost all of a person's range of vision. The relaxView B.V. is hooked up to a DVD player and is because of the positioning, it give the impression of a 60-inch screen.

This system is a bit different than the 20-inch TV hanging across the room because it is capable of completely distracting one away from the dental work being performed. According to Dr. Rob Roef, a dentist, even the slightest awareness of any of the factors that go into dental work will enhance sensitivity and increase discomfort. Blocking out almost all awareness with a device like the relaxView B.V. is one way to combat the discomfort.

We are eager for something even more advanced like nanobots that repair your teeth without trips to the dentist but these awareness blocking Geordi La Forge's visors might work in the meantime. Medgadget has more on this dental pain distraction visor from relaxView B.V..

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