Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, and Dominic Monaghan Talk Hitting Gay Bar With Ian McKellan

Posted on October 27, 2010

For its new Reunion Special Issue, Entertainment Weekly got the cast of the Lord of the Rings trilogy together for a photoshoot and some talk about old times. In this behind the scenes video Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, and Dominic Monaghan talk about their time filming the epic trilogy. They are so funny together.

Dominic talked about the time Ian McKellan took them to a gay bar and withing minutes, Dominic and Orlando Bloom were dancing with their shirts off on the bar. Okay, he may have been making that up, but then again, it's a good story. We're sure Orlando Bloom is quite appreciative that they shared it with EW. They also talked about the most uncomfortable shooting moments (wearing those hobbit feet was no picnic), and watching Return of the King now. Take a look:

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