British Company Ready for the War Against Robots

Posted on October 29, 2008

A British company named War Defense is ready for the battle against evil robots. They have a website called Weapons Against Robots which lists products and services to help you destroy robots. Only brief descriptions of these products and services appear to be available.

A security camera turns and seems to look right at you as you click around on the website. The music that plays on the website doesn't really seem appropriate for a website that promises to help you annihilate killer robots.

The Telegraph has an article about the company and the founder Ben Way sounds very serious.

Way says, "The use of robotics in the military is on the up and, although the decision to take human life is currently still taken by another human, before long such decisions will be made up complex mathematical and logical rules programmed within a robot. Potentially the consequences of a computer crashing could be devastating. Hence, robotic defence is not just necessary for tackling combatants, but potentially for making sure we have control over our own weaponry."

Scientists in Japan have already invented a robot maid so it's possible that deadly robots that would rather eliminate you than help with your laundry are not far way either.

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