Ashley Greene Praises Kristen Stewart's Acting Skills, Talks Life After Twilight

Posted on November 20, 2011

Ashley Greene talks about playing Alice Cullen in the Twilight franchise and answers questions from fans on CNN. Ashley originally auditioned for the role of Bella, which went to Kristen Stewart.

Ashley was asked if she is sorry she didn't get the role of Bella. Ashley said she wasn't sorry, and that she loves playing Alice. She says Kristen has done a better job with the role than she would have, which is pretty amazing of her to say.

Ashley said the lesson she learned doing the films was how important it is to keep your friends and family close to you.

She reveals she is the new face of DKNY, and talks about her upcoming film roles. Ashley stars in The Apparition which co-stars Harry Potter's Tom Felton and in LOL, which also stars Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore.

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